For the past five years, the unfinished cases for crime in South Korea has been rising at a rapid rate. Police are unable to identify or differentiate suspects even with clear profiles caught on high resolution security footages. Due to the high technological advancements in plastic surgery, South Korean police are having difficulties identifying suspects of crime and theft because of the similarity between the facial features of citizens who have undergone plastic surgery. It is not uncommon to spot several identical faces in the same coffee shop, not to mention at the scene of the crime.
Through social media, the entertainment world has brainwashed people to strive for the ideal look in Korea, leading to a renewing cycle of fresh, new looks every few months. Today's popular and trending selection includes triple eyelids, almond shaped eyes (tilted 45 degrees), Harry Potter lightning scars, protruding ‘V’ shaped jaw lines, apple cheek bones, and high bridged noses. Statistics have shown that 75% of the clients have been changing their look consistently every few months in order to have the most trending looks. This caused 86.6% of the citizens to have very similar features making it very difficult for police to identify individuals even with a clear photo.
Due to this rising issue, South Korea is offering newly invented facial features for the goal of reducing the number of citizens with identical faces. Collective plastic surgeons have gathered at the 2017 Seoul plastic surgery convention and collaboratively discovered these five new looks which they agreed to offer only for a limited time. The clients are given the choice to picking from a variety of five different types of eyes, nose, mouth, and jaw lines to guarantee full, diverse beautiful faces. To resolve the problem of twin faces all over South Korea, these limited edition features are new and have never been presented to the public before. South Korean plastic surgical clinics are guaranteeing this new diverse look to be completely unique and one of a kind, allowing clients to discover their own personal visage.
Although many conservatists have voted pass policies with a purpose to reduce plastic surgery in South Korea, this will only lead to more unsolved crimes and identity thefts. Due to the fact that over 86.6% of the population of South Korea look identical, reducing the number of plastic surgeries is only going to make matters worse allowing people to continually look the same. Too many individuals have identical faces and body shapes making the neighbors replicas of one another. The only way to solve this problem is to promote the limited edition five feature plastic surgery to create diversity in the population.
Over the last five years, Seoul University conducted a survey to test foreign exchange students concerning plastic surgery. The survey was simple. The students were given four photos: three photos of complete strangers and one photo of their classmate. The international students were tested to see if they were able to identify their classmate when placed between 3 strangers. The survey concluded, however, that 94% of the students were unable to successfully pick out their classmate due to the fact that too many students and strangers looked the same. This controversial issue has been the root of many cases of identity theft all over South Korea, especially in the high-end Gangnam district, the Beverly Hills of Seoul. The government has tried to decrease these incidents but was unable to do so due to the twinning faces of the citizens.
According to BCC News, up to 80% of South Korea's 50 million population had suffered due to identity theft, causing great ruckus for the South Korean government. The government has passed new policies tightening the policies of plastic surgery clinics to prevent black market surgeries. Inspections were also required to minimize corrupt clinics that help disguise criminal faces, as well as clinics that only care about profit and not the well being of the citizens. Clinics were also inspected at random to find possible back market or under the table relationships.
All these new policies were passed in hopes of finding any possible criminals hiding their identity under their plastic face. This plan, however, was not successful in any way. Almost all patients were identical in their features making the procedure to catch possible suspects through medical files and photos an impossible process. The dilemma of plastic surgery is hindering the process of catching criminals in South Korea.
The National Government of South Korea is concerned over the massive problem of identity theft due to the overlapping faces in every corner of the street. The limited edition five different face looks is designed to eliminate this problem of similar faces between the citizens that undergo plastic surgery. Researchers believe that limiting the types of looks will help lower the mixed identity problem in South Korea. This five face solution will definitely prevent crime rates and save innocent families affected by criminals that hide behind their trending plastic face.
This is my final post so in case you haven't noticed, its satire.